Raksha Bandhan is a very famous, big and reputed festival of Hindu religion in India. According to Hindi months, it is celebrated in the month of Shravana during Purnima day. Aparahan is the best time to tie the Rakhi. According to Hindu Religious Bhadra is not a good time to tie a Rakhi.In the day of Rakhi sister are pray from gods for their brothers long life. Sister are tie the Rakhi on their brothers hand and after that their brothers gives him some special gift or Rs. It is a procedure in Indian culture at the day of Raksha Bandhan. In 2016 Raksha Bandhan festival will celebrate on 18st August 2016.Features:* Slide images by move or buttons next and back.* Share on facebook, twitter etc...* Share by email and sms* Share by WhatsApp, Line etc ...* Set pictures as wallpapers.* Easy to use. Happy Raksha Bandhan